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Personal Outcome Measures® (POM) Empowering Individuals

Stacey Forest, Service Development & Outcomes Specialist

Stacey Forest, Service Development & Outcomes Specialist

Personal Outcome Measures® (POM) is helping organizations improve both service quality and overall quality of life. CQL has gathered real-life examples for service transformation, featuring insights from our own Stacey Forest, Service Development & Outcomes Specialist.

Personal Outcome Measures® (POM) is a method that includes conducting interviews with service recipients and their key contacts to gauge personally-defined outcomes and necessary supports. This process empowers individuals to articulate their hopes and dreams, allowing organizations to assess and improve service quality, responsiveness, and the overall quality of life for those receiving support.
CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership engaged with partner organizations across the U.S. and Canada to uncover practical examples, success stories, and strategies for sharing information aimed at transforming services and systems. We were privileged to have Stacey Forest participate in these insightful interviews.
At Epic, we always strive to uphold the principle of “nothing about us, without us” by offering an Interview Summary to individuals through Epic Opportunities. This Summary is shared only with selected individuals, fostering collaboration within their support network. This approach helps celebrate the individual, provide necessary support, and address barriers hindering their progress.

Read the full article here: Transforming Services and Systems Using Personal Outcome Measures®